“Hot Soup Cool Jazz” is a community fund-raising event focused on youth, youth homelessness and hunger in our community
Poverty and homelessness affects hundreds of people in our community including youth. It is a community issue that requires the involvement of all walks of life to bring about innovative solutions and positive change.
Hot Soup Cool Jazz is about celebrating that positive change and community involvement; it is about bringing the community together - musicians, community service providers, business people, 'everyday' people and those directly affected by the issues.
What We've Achieved
- Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing dignissim.
- Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.
- Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.
- Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.